What’s New!

Thank you for visiting our newly launched website! We are super appreciative of PBHS and their amazing help during this process. 

SO, other things that are new at Jabbour Dentistry- staff! Our lovely ladies in the front office, Linda & Terri, retired after more than 20 yrs of dentistry. Hard to believe! they are living their very best lives in retirement, visit us and we wish them well in this new journey as we also miss them dearly! 

Joining us in the front is Jennifer Tucker. Check out her bio and info in the About Us drop down. We are happy to have her smiling face with us.

As we, and the world, adjust to the post& during  Covid life there have been a few changes around the office. Most of the recommendations were already in place, so it wasn’t a huge shift in infection control for us. We are still being required to check temperatures and screen patients until further notice. We really appreciate our patients being so accommodating during this time! 

And, as always, if you have any questions or concerns- just ask us.

And most importantly thank you to our wonderful patients! Thank you for walking this journey with us for so many years, let’s look forward to many more! Your very highest compliment is referring your friends & family, thank you again for doing so!